Saturday, November 29, 2008

tile layers for quicker, more consistant level creation

After playing around with freeform levels, and playing with layers, I have decided, at least for now to do more tile-map level editing. I have made this decision for the following reasons.

1) tile layers simplify the collision properties of the objects. For instance you won't accidentally make a spot for the player to fall though, or get hung up on just because you didn't quite get the alignment of pieces just right.
2) tile layers allow for a more consistent spacing, and feel of the levels.
3) Simplification helps when working with other team members. we know how big each piece has to be: 20/20 pixels.

The one down side is that it takes away some of the free form custom feeling of some of the levels. We can still do a lot by adding separate pieces outside the tile map as shown "as a lighthouse in the image above", and being tricky with the way we create the tiles. Here is a quick view from the level editor of the progress.

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